
July Rex Jams

I'm really looking forward to hosting the Rex Jams on Tuesdays in July!

Each week, the host band will play a set of music starting at 9:30 pm. Then the stage will open up for everyone to jam & make music late into the night. I encourage everyone to bring your instruments and do some playing; or just come and listen to a really fun night of music!

Helping to host the jams, I am thrilled to be joined by my these fantastic musicians:

WEEK I: Tuesday, July 16th @ 9:30 pm
Jill Harris - Vocals
Patrick O'Reilly - Guitar
Justin Gray - Bass
Derek Gray – Drums

WEEK II: Tuesday, July 23rd @ 9:30 pm
Andy Ballantyne - Sax
Chris Pruden - Piano
Soren Nissen - Bass
Derek Gray - Drums

WEEK III: Tuesday, July 30th @ 9:30 pm
Shirantha Beddage - Sax
Trevor Giancola - Guitar
Mark Godfrey - Bass
Derek Gray – Drums

WEEK IV: Tuesday, August 13th @ 9:30 pm
Edwin Sheard - Sax
Patrick O'Reilly - Guitar
Julian Anderson-Bowes - Bass
Derek Gray - Drums

WEEK V: Tuesday, August 27th @ 9:30 pm
Host Band TBA

For more information about the Rex Jams, please check out:

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